Promote Your Home Care Agency with These 4 Effective Marketing Ideas
Home care marketing can often be challenging, especially when you’re busy with the day-to-day running of your organization. Whether you are strapped for time or on a limited marketing budget, you really cannot afford to
ignore this aspect of your business!
Here are 4 effective health care marketing ideas that can help you get more
clients and improve your bottom line:
- Put Extra Effort Into Online Marketing – Rather than focusing on print ads and mailers, direct your time, energy and money towards online marketing. These days, almost everyone uses smartphones or computers to search for products and service providers in their area, so that’s where your focus should be!
Start by creating a website for your business, list it in local directories, and keep your social media pages up to date. Make sure you are active online, and share information or updates that are helpful to potential clients. - Build Valuable Alliances with other Healthcare Providers –Building relationships with hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation and recovery centers, nursing homes and other healthcare service providers is a great way to market your home care agency. We at Home Care Sales teach a Strategic Partnership method that empowers reps and owners to form synergistic relationships with analogous providers.
Not only are these providers likely to have an existing client/ patient base, but they can also refer your agency to anyone needing home care in the future. Meet up with discharge coordinators, case managers or social workers and obtain care opportunities for pending discharged patients. Also make sure that the healthcare staff has a clear understanding of your top services and competitive advantages. One of the exercises we complete in our 12 Wk Referral Generator Program is “The Top 10 reasons someone should Choose you” This exercise helps provide clarity to your differentiators. - Be Ready to Spend on Quality Marketing – As any successful business owner can tell you, investing in ads and marketing campaigns is rarely a waste. There are some aspects of marketing where you need to spend money to make money, such as professional-quality videos, brochures and flyers, website design, etc.
Spending a little extra on creative and memorable ads or marketing ideas can make a huge difference to how effective hese are. In the long run, the boost they give your business will more than make up for the extra investment! - Get Involved in Local Community Events – If you want greater visibility for your business in the area where it’s based, start attending, sponsoring or even volunteering to help with events in the community that have your target market attending. Become an advocate for senior issues as well, and associate with causes or organizations helping them. Position yourself as a senior advocate and educator
In addition to making a difference in the local community, these activities are a great way to generate goodwill and build a positive reputation for your business. Hosting healthcare seminars and talks will establish you as a credible authority in the home care industry and expand your local network while also getting you more leads.
Demand for home care and hospice organizations is growing, but so is the competition. It’s essential to get the word out there about your home care agency and the services you provide, so you can enjoy steady growth and higher profits!
Author Bio: Melanie Stover

Melanie is a growth expert who coaches home care and hospice organizations throughout the country to help with their sales and marketing with her partner at Home Care Sales. She has authored several articles and manuals and regularly publishes content.
When she’s not busy speaking at national events, you can find her playing with her 5-year-old twin boys while spending time at the beach on the gulf with her family and reading.